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Supporting Wellbeing In Families Together

Self Help Resources /Articles
Resources to support your consultations
Below are links and lists of resources for Mental Health Issues - Autism - Self Harm - Anxiety - Abuse - Trauma - Bereavement - Behavioural Problems.
Websites - click the link
NHS Mood Zone - https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/
Child Mind Institute - https://childmind.org
a very useful website which includes a symptom checker and helpful articles on a range of mental health problems and ways to help. -
Childline - https://www.childline.org.uk
NSPCC - https://www.nspcc.org.uk
BEAT Eating Disorders - https://www.beateatingdisorders.org.uk
Webster Stratton Incredible Years Parenting - http://www.incredibleyears.com/parents-teachers/for-parents/
ADHD Foundation - www.adhdfoundation.org.uk
Autism Berkshire - http://www.autismberkshire.org.uk
SavvySleeper.org - We recently created an extensive FREE guide that highlights the importance of a good night's rest for mental health and performance in students. www.savvysleeper.org/students-and-sleep/
For Autism and ADHD assessments for families living within Berkshire, we highly recommend our colleagues at Berkshire Psychology - www.berkshirepsychology.co.uk
Self help and Apps
Molehill Mountain – For help with anxiety associated with autism
Calm Harm – For help with managing feelings to self harm
Headspace - Mindfulness
Smiling Minds - Mindfulness
Mind Shift – Useful for anxiety
Professional Registering Bodies:
British Psychological Society – www.bps.org.uk
UK Council of Psychotherapy - www.psychotherapy.org.uk
Nursing and Midwifery Council - https://www.nmc.org.uk
Health and Care Professions Council - http://hcpc-uk.org